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November 29, 2023

Keeping your Blike safe and sound

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Bike theft is rife right now, with e-bikes being particular targets due to their high value. Figures released by the Metropolitan Police in 2022 showed a bicycle is stolen once every 16 minutes in the Capital, with very little prospect of recovery. The true figure is likely even higher, as not all victims bother reporting the theft.

Should the worst happen, our partners at Bikmo have you covered. But best avoid the gut-wrenching feeling of losing your pride and joy by following these tips.

  • We supply world-renowned German locksmiths Abus' products with your Blike subscription. Please use them!
  • Sold Secure rating is the industry standard for your lock's ability to deter thieves. All of our locks are Gold as a minimum. Interested in upgrading to Diamond, the ultimate protection? Contact us.
  • Lock your machine to a solid, immovable object – bike stand or railings. Your insurance could be invalid if incorrectly secured.
  • Ensure to include at least one wheel – two if possible with a cable extension – when locking, especially if your Blike has a rear hub motor.

  • Enter some textBut do ensure the frame is locked, first and foremost. We've all seen one lonely wheel u-locked to a stand... A tough lesson to learn.
  • Sadly, many thefts occur from houses and gardens, not just on the streets. Play it safe and lock your Blike at home too.
  • Finally, even if you're just popping into the corner shop for a minute, never leave the bike unlocked. It only takes a few seconds for an opportunist to whisk it away...

We hope this helps. Blike is committed to keeping its customers on the road and hope you never experience losing a bike to thieves. Should it happen, ensure you are covered by following the above, and Bikmo will do the rest.